When hiring a contractor, many times they will only do their jobs and not go the extra mile to make the customer happy. The contractor could provide prep work, or they could ensure a clean work area. However, these steps should always be done. Delaware Valley Utility Contractors (DVUC) shares the principle of its parent company, Empire Group. The principle being to provide the customer with the best customer experience. This includes going beyond the scope of work, so the customer does not have to waste additional time and money. This is evident with DVUC’s horizontal directional drilling.
We provide horizontal directional drilling for many applications, such as sanitary sewer force main, water, communications and gas lines. Our drills are set up to drill 2” to 24” diameter pipe. Horizontal directional drilling allows us to have a much smaller footprint of disturbance thus reducing costs in restoration work in both green areas and asphalt. We have the capabilities of drilling under roadways without impacting traffic flow as well as under bodies of water (e.g., streams, rivers, and wetlands) and we can drill under existing utilities which may prevent open trenching. Our directional drill teams are professionally trained in utility locating and monitoring of our directional drill heads to insure we hit the correct location. We utilize state-of -the-art horizontal directional drilling equipment which allows us to be efficient in our drilling work. Our directional drill teams can perform HDPE pipe fusing of pipe sizes from 1” to 24” diameter pipe, allowing us to drill and install the pipe at the same time thus reducing lost time and the number of subcontractors.
Each of our drilling crews perform restoration work once the drilling is complete, such as lawn restoration or asphalt patch paving. We strive to provide a clean work area from start to finish, which means creating a clean, safe and hassle-free area for the customer. No one likes to come home to mess on their lawn or debris from a job where it can cause damage to private or public property. We take pride in being a one-stop-shop for utility work of all types.
Several of our drilling team members are UGI certified which enables us to complete gas line work such as laterals to homes and main extensions. Safety is our top priority; our drill teams go through yearly safety training to ensure that we are compliant with the latest safety standards. DVUC strives to adhere to Empire Group’s principle of providing a high level of customer satisfaction, whether that means accommodating unique requests or ensuring a property is left in great shape. Please contact us to learn more about our drilling services!